White Rock State School tuckshop aims to provide our students with healthy high-quality food at lowest prices possible. Our tuckshop meets the Healthy Choices guidelines set by Queensland Governments – Smart Choices. You can purchase a variety of choices from both the green and amber range.
Over the counter items can be brought before school or at 11.15 am after eating time at first lunch. (Preps will need to use the brown bag system to order ice creams or ice blocks)
Our tuckshop has EFTPOS for any orders. No cash out.
To help the tuckshop operate efficiently the following points are important:
- All orders to be placed by 9.00 am - please use the door when the roller doors are down.
- All orders are to be written on a paper bag showing students name and class and teacher if possible.
- Brown tuckshop bags are available from the tuckshop.
- If an item is unavailable or there is insufficient money in the bag the convener will arrange a substitute or return the money.
- Any change will be taped on the bag for the student to receive with their order.
- Late orders will be offered limited choice of menu.
- If there is a problem with an order please remind your child to come and see their teacher/tuckshop straight away so we can rectify any problems immediately. Note, bags without names or classes will be kept at the tuckshop until claimed.
- No credit for student's lunches.
- Donations of fruit and vegetables are always welcomed.
- Your feedback or suggestions. Please drop a note in the P&C box at the office. Label 'attention tuckshop'.
All volunteers are always needed and welcome. This is a great way to meet people and learn about our school. The busiest time is between 8.30 am to 11 am. We welcome new faces to our volunteer team. Even an hour of your time will be appreciated.
Using the tuckshop is a great way of supporting White Rock State School P&C. All P&C funds are used in the school for our children.
Tuckshop convenor: Melissa Lampard
Telephone: (07) 4036 8823
8:00 am to 2:30 pm